Monday 27 May 2013

Viktor David Zaboletta-Smyth.

Alias: "Replica"

Age: 22

Gender: Male (Can however shapeshift into female's or male's he has killed and assimilated)

Species: Previously human, now simply an amalgamation of many entities combined into one host body

Sexuality: Bisexual due to the fact he has assimilated so many minds that he can no longer distinguish his own personal tastes from the ones he has gotten from others.

Appearance and Attributes: Standing at around 5 foot 10 inches, wearing ragged but well fitting dark grey jeans, torn and shredded at the very ends. A comfy pair of shoes, dark in colour but a light turquoise strip running down the sides of each.  Wearing a grey hoody with a dirty brown leather jacket over the top.  Blood splatter is common on all of these items of clothes, rarely having time to wash them between one misdeed to another.  A rough steel chain is constantly running around the back and the palm of his hand, a mark is left on both sides he has held it in a tight grip for years, from the chain dangles a few prayer beads at the end's, now worn and faded or covered in blood spatter.  His hands are cut and rough, often scar's and marks or even bleeding sores can be seen.  His skin tone is light brown from tanning in the warm weather but his skin is truly a white shade of pink. He has dark lines around his eyes from lack of sleep, badly chapped lips and dirt marks smeared from place to place.  His eye's are dark, jet black pupils with a red iris.  If you look closely you can see red isn't the natural colour of his eye's it is actual just a constant stream of blood running through them that make the red iris'. His eye's are overshadowed by bushy eye brows that are black and wavy, upon removing his hoody you will find that his hair is completely grey from the dramatic shifts in his body, ageing the hair on his head rapidly making him grey but with a full head of short, straight hair.

Viktor's personality is somewhat split, his mind is shared with all those that he has killed and assimilated over the years making it somewhat hard to distinguish at times which thoughts are his own and what thoughts are being spoken or remembered from a past victim. In this respect it makes it hard to give an accurate account of Viktor's true personality as it has now become lost along the years. When he was a child he cared and he loved, he would laugh and sing but as his powers came to fruition, it seemed that his own abilities began to control him and soon his personality was drained away with the use and abuse of his newfound armaments and skills. Viktor lacked any true source of love in his life with his mother dead and his father constantly lost in his own sorrow and self pity. To this end, he was only really ever versed in the feelings of fear, anger, hatred and sorrow.

These tolls on an already stretched and troubled mind lead it to become very easy for Viktor to slowly allow his feelings to be hidden and for the minds of his victims to become his very thoughts, now as he stands about a hundred voices all call and cry to him, urging him in every direction. It is a miracle he still stands with so many things flying through his mind all the time but because of this, his actions are very rarely driven by his own feelings of desire or need but rather the victims within him almost use their host for their own dark twisted visions.

It is possible that perhaps many of the murders or assimilations he has done have been at the hand's of his mind's more twisted and resentful souls that he made part of his mind by assimilating them in the first place. Viktor has even shown signs of the belief that he is not the guilty one for the murder's he commits but often claiming it was the "voices in my head told me to do it". Often a line said by insane murders and madmen but perhaps this time it might very well be true.

History: Born to a Russian father and an English mother, his father was a godless man who hated the world and its bitterness, disdain was all the man knew.  There was only one brief glimmer of light in this man's life and that was his wife, a young radiant woman, so full of life and free with one and all.  She was a god fearing woman and took great pity on the man she found lying in a ditch one day outside her home she made from her hard days labouring and saving.  It was a lush countryside home where the man had blindly stumbled past in one of his many misadventures.  Upon taking the man in the woman felt uncomfortable around him, he was a man with jagged edges and a face of stone but he was a gentleman and a great thinker.  The woman allowed this man to stay long during what was to be a harsh winter.
That is the beginning of what would be the story of Viktor, the boy destined to become evil to the core.  Viktor was boring at a time when a great frost sweep the land and it ravaged everything it touched, at Viktor's birth it would claim his mother and cost his father his sanity.  During childbirth complication's arose and there was nothing Viktor's father could do to save his mother, he watched as she died and from her he took his son.

Viktor David Zaboletta-Smyth he was named, each a name from his father and a name from his mother.  When Viktor was born, his powers first manifested themselves, as he left his mother's womb the baby cried fiercely and suddenly his body changed shifting and pulsing, accidentally slicing his mother internally causing her to bleed out.  He was cared for by his father who was broken from the lose of his mother, becoming more and more unstable but unaware of his son's "gifts."
Viktor's childhood was quiet for some years, nothing really happened out of the ordinary, a single father struggled to look after his child but he got by.  As Viktor grew older and wiser, he questioned his father on many things and learnt of the bitterness that dwelled within him, asking questions always seemed to infuriate his father, the more he asked the more his father got worse, turning to drink and soon to hitting his son to silence him.  Viktor was one day left alone in his home, his father left and never returned, Viktor simply never questioned it, or if he did he simply never dwelled on it for to long.  From the age of 7 he was forced to fend for himself.  Leaving his home he soon lived in the woods with the animals and the plants.  Here was were he begin to notice he had something special about him, something different.  One day in the woods, he ripped a dear in half as he pet it.
This was the first manifestation of his powers, his finger tips expanded into long claws, reaching far beyond his fingers, with razor sharp precision.  He began from that day to experiment, killing the animal hadn't remotely fazed him, in fact, it had simply made him all the more curious as to what he could do.

Soon he learnt he could hardened his fists and make them stronger than bone or steel, using them to crush tree's with a single swing of his fist's.  Eventually he learnt that with sheer will he could change his hand into many other things, his favourite was however the giant blade he could transform his whole hand into, it pierced through steel and more, it was the strongest of his new found weapons.  Despite having killed many creatures in the woods through his travel many animals did not fear him and he spent most of the next few years until his teenage years living with family's of wild deer or horses or even hiding in tree's with squirrels or hiding in burrows with rabbits and hares.
Living out a nomadic existence in the forest's that had once surrounded his family home, at his teenage years he began to feel a calling, almost a literal voice calling him some place, he didn't know who this voice belong to but the more it called the more he needed to follow it.  He left for a little town not far from where the forest he had lingered had been.  In this village he was instantly seen as a stranger, living in dirty rags, covered in mud and dirty.  Disdainful eyes watched him from every corner.  This was to be the first time his powers would get him into trouble.  While walking through the village some kids ran past and knocked him over accidentally.  In his anger he swiftly got up and quickly stuck his claws through the boy that had knocked him down just seconds ago, the girl he had been playing with screamed a shrill, long wail and as soon as the dead boy hit the floor there was already many more eye's that now stared over the scene.  The word freak was one of the only few he knew the meaning of as the villagers called him names he could only guess were not compliments.  He was chased from the village.
Knives, pitchforks and flaming torches flew at him as he fled, the villagers however could not catch up, as he ran he could feel the weight of his body feel more spaced out, the burden of his body felt lighter as he ran faster, he got excited and jumped, soon he lifted so high he was already on the other side of the field he had been standing in previously. Excited with the prospect of finding new things he could do he headed to the next village as the voice called to him once again pushing him on.

At the Village of Vanderscar, tucked away in rural Europe, it was here that Viktor learned he could use his powers one step further beyond simple destruction and death.  Here he learnt that it was not only changing shape but changing himself that he could do.  In Vanderscar he killed a man who started a fight with him for stealing some food, the man he killed lunged at him first and easily Viktor met him with claws out and striking quickly into his chin and through his mouth.  The man died quickly but a sudden forceful jerk came through Viktor as a mass of tendrils shot through his chest, an unpleasant tingle forcing its way to the surface until it grabbed the man and slowly dragged the organic matter into his body and slowly it consumed and assimilated it.
Memories, thoughts and feelings flooded his mind, it was almost head splitting.  Soon he knew who this man had been and everything he had done.  When he came from the rush of the man's memories he noticed that when he looked down, he stood there, not as himself but the man he killed.  He was exactly like him in every way, he talked like him, walked like him and had the very clothes the man he consumed had worn on him now.  He laughed and slowly made his way home to the man's house on the outskirts of the village. Here he stayed for a week in the disguise of the man he had consumed, until on the eve of his leaving, he killed the man's wife and assumed her appearance and left the village with no trace of her husband or her left, burning the house and heading onwards.  As he travelled he consumed many other people along the way, be they simply someone that got in the way, knew his secret, had saw him shapeshift or even simply someone he took a fancy to stealing the appearance of.  His list of victim's even extended as far as small time celebrities and famous people.

He seemed to develop and endless hunger for death and a want to see just how far he could stretch his mind and steal other identities.
Viktor was a hard man to keep track of, he ducked and dived and made out a small living from petty crimes and never staying in one place to long to avoid suspicion.  His mind was soon only constantly swirling with the thoughts of the other people he had consumed.  It was already to late when he started to learn of the repercussion of consuming so many people. His mind was stressed and soon he could no longer sleep, the thoughts of his victims raged in his head, their anger only fuelling his further.  It was when he was 19 that he finally learnt of just how bad the side effects of assimilating other humans can be.  He was in the middle of an open city street and he began to convulse, unable to breathe, it felt like something alive and made of liquid wished to be free from him, he ran as fast as he could into a dark side street as he cough, blood trickled from his lips as, terror gripped him for a moment as he felt life pass out of him and suddenly he threw up what seemed like blood, bone and flesh.  In a pile lay what he thought must have been one of his many victims, yet it seemed to wriggle and pulse.  Soon it seemed to draw together as he puked up more.
Now before him stood a shape of a human, naked but with no definition.  The flesh writhed and twisted against itself, the face a mask of horror and rage, one that even scarred Viktor somewhat.  In fear he believed it one of his many victims and quickly he vivi-sected it and disposed off it behind a bin that he found nearby.  He left in a hurry, he felt weak and out of place, this was new to him and something he feared more knowing he could not control it.  For three years he has hidden from the world, now though, something has changed and he resurfaces in Europe, his aims and goals we can only guess but you can bet that no matter where Viktor goes, there is sure to be death and destruction to be had in his place.

Active;  Bio-Mass transmutation:  The ability to change one's body into weapons (claws from the finger tips, hardened bone density for fists to be used as clubs or hammers, whole arm stretched and formed into a blade for slicing) and also to change the appearance of the user, physically taking on the form of anyone killed by the user and consumed by the organic tendrils that consume the body mass of its defeat victims.  Able to steal powers from superhero's if the superhero is defeat and assimilated, however using an unknown power is unpredictable and not as powerful as the true user. His powers also stretch to being able to jump and run at much greater speeds than normal humans can, using his ability to transmutate he can effectively breed 6 legs worth of force into his own for leap over up or over buildings, using the power of 6 legs to run faster for escape. Running at higher speeds allows him to jump higher from the added momentum also.
Passive; Bio-Organic shielding: Whenever an attack is directed at Viktor, his bodies immediate response is to put up a shield of spare organic matter (consisting of bones, blood and flesh) it will take the strength out of any attack but it also can be broken with enough damage and will instantly fall to flames. Electricity will not work on the shield as it has no consistency of nerves to pass on the pain signals to the user.
Character Specific Weaknesses; Mental and psychological attacks on the brain, weak emotional response due to having to many personalities within his own head all the time.

Team Position: Villain of Act 1

Colour:  Lime Green