Sunday 26 May 2013

Fayth Svartalf.

Alias: "le Faye"

Age: 24

Gender: Female.

Appearance and Attributes: Fayth stands at around the height of 6', with a slim build, a healthy glow to her complexity and fine endowed breasts. She has dark purple dyed hair with a slight wave to it that falls to her shoulder-blades and the tips of it are dyed a sapphire shade. She has vivid blue eyes, which are only lightly accompanied by faint shadows under her eyes that are evidence of a weary tiredness. Her left arm is tattooed with the images of multiple coloured butterflies that starts off at her wrist, imprinted around and up her arm, which gradually changes into the shapes of dark-coloured birds, then into a coiling serpent and ends with the form of an oriental dragon, which is resting on top of her tree tattoo. On her back, a tattoo of an ancient tree is imprinted on her back, starting with roots at the base of her spine and stemming up along her back before branching out across her shoulder blades, of which her dragon tattoo rests upon it. A tattoo of a dream-catcher is also imprinted on the inside of her right forearm. She has multiple piercings: three cartilage piercings on her right ear, two cartilage piercings on her left ear, left earbrow piercing, right nostril piercing, lower lip piercing, tongue piercing, and both nipple piercings. Her clothing consists of casual and simple items, occasionally wearing a comical or pattern print t-shirt, dark denim jeans and dark combat boots. Hoodies or a coat would be worn if the weather starts to get colder. She does not bother with the stereotypical superhero attire for she wishes to remain in the distance and within the shadows during the heat of a battle and conflict.

Fayth is emotionally and sociably outgoing, although she is a tad bit mentally unstable, which results in her impulsivity, hastiness to action without thinking her consequences and options over, and her quick-temperedness. She tries to maintain a distance away from people and avoid crowds due to her abilities, but she usually finds herself drawn to them without expecting to. Confidence and supportive of those she cares about, she is quick to bring down those who wish harm and malice upon her or her friends.Whilst she has a solid sense of morality, she may linger between the boundaries in order to do what is necessary for her and others. Her positive attitudes allow her not to be bogged down by the negative and oppressive aspects of life, usually to ignore the overwhelming sensations of emotional and psychic energies around her. She may be in a daze most of the time, and thus distracted and inattentive to minor details. Moments of guilt and shame of her past continue to haunt her if she is reminded of it, and she will prefer to be solitude for some time to repent over the actions of the event where her optimistic persona has broken down and shattered, leaving her an emotional wreck.

History: Fayth grew up happily with her loving family, where she only experienced minor disputes between her, her younger brother and her parents. When her younger brother came out to her, and eventually her parents, she was fully accepting and supportive of him, loving him no matter.

Unknown to Fayth, her psychic sensitivity had emerged, but it did not reach a level of intensity until one evening, when her younger brother was late to come home that night. He was covered in bruises and cuts and deeply upset by what had happened to him, and through her psychic senses, Fayth became aware of the emotional and physical pains that he was going through. After tending to his wounds, Fayth pushed to find out what had happened. It turned out that he had suffered at the hands of a bully at his school, which had taken an extreme homophobic attitude towards him. After years of harassment and provocation, her younger brother retaliated back, only to be ganged up upon and beatened by the bully and his friends.

Frustrated and furious by the silent years of her younger brother’s suffering, Fayth set out to confront the bully and put an end to her younger brother’s torment. When she found him, Fayth squared up against the bully, who was not intimidated by her. In fact, he invited and openingly mocked her and her younger brother for his cowardice. Enraged, Fayth and the bully ended up brawling, and during the heat of the battle, Fayth gazed upon the bully’s eyes. Without much thought of her actions and consequences, she wished upon her bully the same torture that her younger brother had suffered, fused with the anger and wrath that she felt for this pathetic being. In that moment, her telepathic powers emerged and she passed out.

When she woke up, she noticed the difference in her sensitivity of emotions and thoughts. She was acutely aware of the sensations flooring her consciousness, threatening to subdue her back into unconsciousness once more. However, her younger brother was by her side, and she remained awake to find out what had happened. According to him, the fight had ended when she and the bully passed out together. Emergency services were called and they ended up at the hospital. While her brother was relieved that she had awoken, Fayth discovered that his bully had not been so fortunate.

He was in a coma, and would remain in that condition for an unknown amount of time.

Confused by this and her new-found powers, once she was released from hospital, Fayth moved out and distanced herself from her family and friends, although she occasionally keeps in contact with them. She moved to Novum Aurora where she hopes to avoid and repair the damages that her powers had caused, by taking a job as a library assistant during the day, and helping out with Reina Chauhan in the fight against crime and villainy during the night.

Active; Telepathy – The psychic ability to perceive the thoughts of others and mentally communicate with them. It also allows one to delve deeply into the mind of another to access and alter their cognition and inner mental processes. Although, when the minds of others are altered, the same, although weakened, altering intentions are reflected back onto the psyche of the telepath.
Passive; Psychic sensitivity – This allows one to sense delicate energies and strong emotions with such clarify that enables them to be empathic of others and receive “fresh” psychic residue off objects and corpses. A major drawback is that emotions and energies of great intensity can cause discomfort, stun or even render the psychic sensitive unconscious due to psychic overload. An active psychic power can enable one to control the degree of their psychic sensitivity, although not to entirely shut it off.
Character Specific Weaknesses; See above for personality and power limitations. When Fayth deeply gazes upon another, she must be fully focused whilst accessing and altering on only one mind at a time. Thus, she is vulnerable to attacks while concentrating on another's mind. Her senses also become raw, and as such, bright lights and loud noises can disrupt this concentration, overload her delicate senses and cause her physical discomfort or pain. Running water will disrupt her psychic senses, so she cannot perceive the thoughts of others or psychic energies if she is submerged underwater or out in a heavy rainfall.

Team Position: Member.

Colour: Dark Purple [RGB 53, 28, 117].