Monday 27 May 2013

Reina Chauhan.

Alias: Time Lady.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance and Attributes: Long, black with red streaks through her hair, dark grey eyes accompanied by thick black-rimmed glasses, and beautiful honey-gold skin. A petite girl with a slender body, she is an exquisite Indian beauty to all those who gaze upon her. She will wear loose-fitting clothes that may seem too big for her small figure and Indian dresses, such as a sari or a ghagra choli and a head-scarf as her superhero outfit.

Reina is a strong minded lady who is very serious about her work. Her best talent is multitasking. She is extremely reliable, but, when she is put in situations that she is not used to, she is easily flustered. She has a mild case of OCD and needs things to be in order. She hates it when things get out of her control. This also makes her indecisive about things, as since she likes things to be in order, she has trouble deciding the particular order of it.

History: Reina's mother was an Indian priestess who fell in love with a foreigner who did not love her back. When they had relations and Reina’s mother fell pregnant with her, she lost her abilities, and Reina’s father abandoned her shortly after. The loss of her powers and the father of her child left her heartbroken, and soon an unexpected flood devastated their village and resulted in many casualties. Reina’s mother was heavily pregnant with Reina at the time of the Great Flooding and was supposed to be killed had her mother's best friend and Reina's step-father not saved her. Due to the events of her mother’s life, when Reina came into her powers, she was taught not to become a slave to them and to always be cautious with her decisions.
When Reina grew up to the age of 18, she decided to enrol at the University of Novum Aurora on a history degree. While the prospect of life at the university and in the city excited her, she is secretly hoping to find her father, whom she had a vision of being in Novum Aurora… Alongside of her academic studies, Reina has teamed up with Fayth Svartalf to help in the superhero business at night.

Active: Localised time manipulation -  The ability to control the flow of time within a localised area or a specific target. It allows one to accelerate, reverse, slow, halt or even loop the temporal course of a situation or an individual. Such applications can mean that projectiles and objects can be frozen in time, wounds are restored back to the point before infliction, delay or hasten the pace of others, and even rapidly age organic and inorganic matter. Manipulation of time on a localised level can still be strenuous for the user, so the area and length of time manipulation is limited relatively to the concentration and energy of the user. Thus multiple control of time for different objects and people will require multiple levels of concentrated efforts to maintain the applications. Overexertion of this ability will require the user to rest and replenish their reserves before reattempting to use their powers.
Passive: Limited retrocognition and precognition -  Retrocognition allows one to perceive past events and situation as ghostly images. Due to the limitedness, the user can only perceive certain situations and significant objects within for a short length of time. The grasp on the retrocognitive psychic events are fairly fragile that they are disrupted easily and they disappear without being recalled back.
Precognition allows one to perceive future events and related individuals in quick bursts of spontaneous visions. This aspect of the power is usually triggered involuntarily by touching an object that is psychically connected to the future situation or individuals. If the psychic energy is strong enough, the user may receive a vision without the need of making physical contact with an individual or an item. The visions themselves are brief, allowing the user a quick glimpse of the future for a second or two before return the user back to the present.

Character Specific Weaknesses; See above for personality weaknesses. Also, Reina requires full concentration to alter the passage of time for the local area or individuals, thus she is vulnerable to attacks that she isn't focused on. She tends to overexert herself often when using her powers, leaving her drained soon after a battle.

Team Position: Member.

Colour: Honey-yellow [RGB 191, 144, 0].