Monday 29 July 2013

Travis Benjamin Barclay.

Alias: "Thunder Strike"

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Black Human male

Sexuality: Straight Male

Appearance and Attributes: Travis stands at a rather large 6 Foot 7 Inches tall with a rather muscular frame which he has rigorously honed since he was a young teenager, an avid sports and athletics fan, clearly not one for the more nerdy elements in life. His bulging biceps and large calf muscles are the more prominent features of his physical appearance. Usually seen running around in tank tops and running shorts. Never leaves home without wearing a good pair of running shoes as he simply loves the freedom they give him. To keep in with the rest of his attire he can often be found wearing sweat bands and headbands. His clothes all look pretty bog standard but in truth all his clothes are weighted for further trainning purposes as he feels he must always push himself to his utmost limits. He is at the peak of physical fitness and much like the stereotypical athletic type he is more than remotely aware that by the common standards he is what many women would call "attractive" and he is not beyond using it to get what he wants. Somewhat of a ladies man, often flirting with anyone he can find, using his good looks to get him what he needs in certain occasions. Originally he was religious until he received his powers, believing that no god would curse him so, that this simply was something terrible that he had been thrown into. He now has a short fuse on his temper, losing his sight and having to make it seem as though he cannot see has made him unhappy with his new change of lifestyle, having sight but not being able to see in front of others has caused him some rather large set backs, making him somewhat bitter over the loss of his athletic career. He wanders somewhat aimlessly now, though he wont let this beat him, through the somewhat bitter twist his life has taken he has not allowed it to take away his true heart of gold which still shines through when allowed to. He quietly continues on his life, having moved only recently to a new city where he hopes that he can put the past behind him somewhat and get on with his life.

History: Travis was a May baby and was born healthy and also a little heavy. His parents, Preston and Jade, were both loving and caring parents and were most delighted to have their first and what would be only child. Strangely Travis' story at the start of his life is mostly uneventful, he was a poor study in school but greatly interested in basketball and the 100 metre sprint. He did nothing truly remarkable through his childhood, he was a simply kid with a love of sport but a rather high distaste for all things "nerdy" or "geekie". His family were moderately wealthy and sent him to be privately educated at a Boarding School for Young Men called "Westhempsmith" there he spent many of his formative years and also built where he built on his already athletic driven choices. Here he was always just pasting muster when it came to grades yet he was on every single school team there was and usually the teachers would let a few things slide since he had been one of the reasons they had done so well in many school tournaments and had also gotten the school more funding. It was at this school that the headmaster pushed him down a career in athletics and sent him away during the summer to special camps so that he could try out for the nationals in many of the sprinting races. He only ever entered once and was instantly signed out to play for his country and did so ever since that day happened.

As it was said, his early years were simply the common life of a young child, he had no major hardships in his life, a string of relationships both long and short, a loving family, no issues or worries with money, in fact you could of almost said that his life was "perfect" shall we say. He was sent on many occasions to special training sessions for his sheer running talent and he was constantly put through special training programmes around the world for weeks at a time, he was living the high life, living out of hotels in hot and exotic places across the globe. He was never stuck for company either, as a serial ladies man, he could find himself with up to 2 or 3 ladies a night in each new city. He enjoyed much of the privileges it also afforded him having much spare time to hone his physique and practice harder and longer to achieve his dream. All he wanted in life was to be the fastest runner in the world, to topple all the records and show people he was the fastest, even the best! He wasn't always serious and competitive, he did have a softer side, from the age of 18 to 20 he had a long term relationship with a girl he had meet when visiting his grandparents who lived not far outside his home town. Her name was Natasha Denson and she was the first love of Travis.

While running was his life, for the two years they were together it briefly shared first place with Natasha, a young aspiring lawyer who was still working her way through college although she was 2 years older than Travis at the time. Their relationship last the two years but was cut short when Natasha grew tired of his constant obsession with running and constantly pushing himself further, as he reached his 20th year he began pushing himself so hard that for a few months he would pass out and faint should he keep pushing himself to hard. She pleaded with him to tone down just how hard he worked but her words would fall on deaf ears and as he pushed himself harder, he only suceeded in pushing her further away as the final straw was broken when he had pushed himself so hard in a training session that he had ruptured internal muscles and was rushed to hospital. On his sick bed she cried as she told him she could not be with him anymore if he wouldn't listen to her pleas to keep him safe. Travis was angry that all she could think about was breaking up with him while he was hurt, so he told her to leave and get out of his life if she couldn't support him. When he recovered and was released from hospital he had begun to see the error of his ways and regretted the heated arguement he had before she had left his life for good, however from that day forward he no longer pushed himself to physical injury, choosing to learn from his mistakes.

His powers were in a constant slow spiraling descent upon him, from the age of 22 he began to lose his sight, slowly at first, only squinting or getting occasionally blurred vision, it was not until he was 24 that he became fully blind. His senses seemed to be changing all the time, sometimes he could hear noises that he shouldn't off from such a long distance, like two people arguing on the other side of the street as a car roared passed but he simply thought his ears were playing tricks on him. Travis often felt unusual about his ever changing hearing and eyesight but choose to keep his head down and continue with his training. The year of the olympics was coming up when he was to be 24 and he put his heart and soul into it with everything he had to be ready to compete for the right to be the fast man alive. It was shortly after his 24th birthday and the day of the olympics arrived, he was standing warming up for his big preformance in front of the whole world as the crowds watched and people at home sat glued to their T.V. sets, it was to be on this occasion that something miraculous was about to happen.

He had a great start, he was flying down the lane, easily beating all that stood around him, he was sprinting with all his might and then suddenly half way down the track his world of colour seemed to shift and bend, the colours blurred to gray and soon into darkness. He still sprinted forwards but was soon greeted with pain as he slammed hard into the next runner now catching up with the blinded Travis. The two hit hard and the impact floored both runners and cost them both the race. With all the work he had done over these years, it had all been in vain, now blinded he had lost the race and to the same extent, his pride. He left silently that day and refused to pass comment as he was shuffled out of the stadiums. He was blind, how could it have happened and so fast? The truth was, his eyes had begun to dull but his ears had begun to work on a whole new level. Shortly after losing his sight and returning home that night he began to become more and more aware of the world around him, there were sounds in his head he had never heard before, they whirled around him until he could take it no more and passed out.

He was found a day later lying face first in the floor. He was alive and well but something was beginning that would change his life forever. When he awoke to the sound of his own mother frantically trying to revive him he got up suddenly and without realising it place his hand on his mother's shoulder and calmly replied "I'm fine mom, I just fell over is all!" He was so caught up in the moment he hadn't realised that he had seen his mother's face in a way he had never seen her before and yet he was blind only yesterday. It was only as he sat upright in a chair and stared at the figure he knew so well in front of him in his new vision did it all become clear to him. His vision had returned but in a new way, instead he could make out the shapes of all things around them whenever they gave off a sound, or if he spoke he could see the very soundwaves his voice gave off bouncing against the walls and all the objects around him. He laughed loud and his mother soon left thinking he must have just been depressed from his loss the day before. He was glad she was gone as he began to challenge his new sight to see just what he could and couldn't do. He didn't see or hear from anyone for a week or so but by then he had already begun to understand.

Around his home he practiced walking around in the woods, he had learnt just by letting out a low exhale of breath unaudible to most ears he could see the woods and the trees around him perfectly. He seemed to develop a rather deep rumbling in his throat that he could not clear and in an attempt to clear his throat he let out his first sonic blast. In the woods not far from his house he trained himself in secret, learning the new tricks of his until now untapped powers. Here he learnt how to focus sound from around him into the very energy he could project out around him. He first mastered his voice blast, learning that he could even vary the frequencies to call on bats and lead them around to even simply breaking glass or causing deeply irritating noises to the eardrums of those around him, strangely his own highly attuned senses took no kick back from his own attacks. On the last day he was to spend in the woods he learnt to pressurise all the noise around him contain it and build it all up until the point he could explode it out in a massive shockwave. He achieved this powerful feat but was comatosed for the next 12 hours when he woke up to find a family of racoons making their way to nibble on him thinking him a corpse.

It was around this time his parents decided they would move him away from his old home and try to get him a new life, somewhere fresher and new. Novum Aurora, in Europe was to be their destination of choice, they thought here in a part of the world only just beginning to flourish that perhaps he would be able to regain the seemingly broken pieces of himself he had lost with his eyesight, in truth Travis wasn't that interested in the idea as his newfound powers were his only waking care these days. He was moved to a suburban part of Novum Aurora in a fairly quiet neighbourhood where his parents made sure he would have a care worker on sight should he need help without his own eyesight now. Travis was only to happy to be free of his parents and to be allowed some new freedom he would never have had being surrounded by friends and family. Here he could let loose, here he was a new man that no one knew, to them he was only a blind man, here he could do as he pleased as no one here would give him even a second look once they seen the light of his eyes had long since faded.

Active; Sound Manipulation: Travis has the ability to absorb nearby waves of sound from any source; noise, vibration, man-made or naturally occuring. While he absorbs this energy within him, he can use this energy in a variety of forms. He can use it to screech a high frequency wave that will shatter ear drums and break glass. Summon it as kinetic energy in his hands to create supersonic blasts from his hands or store up energy in every part of his body and use it to "bleed" out a destructive sound blast from the very pores of his body much like an explosion. Using the explosive blast does however have the draw back of extreme pressure placed on muscles, blood veins and arteries. If used to much it could rupture the very blood vessels and cause him to bleed from his own pores, severely weaken him for a medium length period before he could use any of his powers again.

Passive; Echolocation and Sonar enhanced sensory capabilities. Echolocation is the ability to sense the surrounding area by sound, pinpoint enemies and allies around you with the use of sound rather than visuals. Much like a bat, Travis has the ability to use his sonar perception to use any sound as a means of seeing the world around him. While being unable to see by normal means, the sounds given off or reverberating off of an object allow him to create a mental picture in his head of the world around him, giving him the ability to see through walls and other solid structures that are not sound proof.

Character Specific Weaknesses; His powers have made him blind, without a sense of smell or taste. A place without noise or sound. Inside a sound proof box would cripple the senses of Travis. He also doesn't allow anyone to know that he can still see, letting bad things around him happen just to keep up his cover in public has lead him to allow things that go against his moral compass and at times even allowed others to take advantage of him.

Team Position: Member of the Superheroes team.

Colour: Grey-blue [RGB 159, 197, 232].

Monday 27 May 2013

Danny Crumpus

Alias: "Insectus"

Age: 29

Gender: Male.

Appearance and Attributes: Small, pervert-looking guy with long, wavy, light brown hair, and dark hazel eyes. He is quite skinny and thin, and his facial features are quite twisted, which are more creepy than sinister looking. He normally wears a black hooded cloak for his supervillain outfit.

An arrogant and impatient man, Danny fancies himself as the king of the world but in reality, he is just a small man with a overly large ego. He is an obsessively loud-mouth man, who is quite demanding and has the obscured idea that he can charm women, but fortunately for them, he doesn't.

History: When he was younger, he was really interested in entomology, the study of insects and other related bugs, but he was bullied for it. As he grew older, he started to study them and eventually discovered one day that he could change into their form when he was studying a couple of spiders. He noticed that he had sprouted some spider legs from his sides and soon he started changing into the full form of a spider. After managing to change back into his old form, he experimented with it and socialised with the arachnids and insects he studied which he discovered that he had a special link with them. Soon, when he tried to publish the findings of his experiments, he was denied and crushed when the other scientists believed that he was just making it up. Wanting to get his back on them, he became a supervillain with his army of creepy crawlers to wreak havoc upon the city of Novum Aurora.

ActiveEnto-morphing - The ability to fully or partly change into any insects and arachnids equivalent to one's mass and size when in physical touch with that particular insect or arachnid. Therefore one can gain features such as a fly's wings, or a spider's web shooting, etc... When one changes, they do not change into the exact size of the insect or arachnid or; they can in fact increase or decrease their size as well as changing into that insect or arachnid. Also one can recall any insect or arachnid they have morphed into if they remembers the feeling of that particular bug.

Passive; Ento-psychic/empathic link - The user is psychically linked with nearby arachnids and insects. They can perceive what their emotional and mental capacity as if they were the user's own thoughts and feelings. If there are too many bugs around, the user can be confused and therefore overloaded enough to be knocked unconscious.

Character Specific Weaknesses; The maximum amount of different arachnids and insect parts that Danny can morph into is 5. Due to the Ento-psychic/empathic link with bugs, too many bugs can confuse and overwhelm Danny, and any damages inflicted onto the bugs that he is connected to, he will subsequently experience their pain as his own.

Team Position: Minor villain.

Colour:  N/A, NPC.

Reina Chauhan.

Alias: Time Lady.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance and Attributes: Long, black with red streaks through her hair, dark grey eyes accompanied by thick black-rimmed glasses, and beautiful honey-gold skin. A petite girl with a slender body, she is an exquisite Indian beauty to all those who gaze upon her. She will wear loose-fitting clothes that may seem too big for her small figure and Indian dresses, such as a sari or a ghagra choli and a head-scarf as her superhero outfit.

Reina is a strong minded lady who is very serious about her work. Her best talent is multitasking. She is extremely reliable, but, when she is put in situations that she is not used to, she is easily flustered. She has a mild case of OCD and needs things to be in order. She hates it when things get out of her control. This also makes her indecisive about things, as since she likes things to be in order, she has trouble deciding the particular order of it.

History: Reina's mother was an Indian priestess who fell in love with a foreigner who did not love her back. When they had relations and Reina’s mother fell pregnant with her, she lost her abilities, and Reina’s father abandoned her shortly after. The loss of her powers and the father of her child left her heartbroken, and soon an unexpected flood devastated their village and resulted in many casualties. Reina’s mother was heavily pregnant with Reina at the time of the Great Flooding and was supposed to be killed had her mother's best friend and Reina's step-father not saved her. Due to the events of her mother’s life, when Reina came into her powers, she was taught not to become a slave to them and to always be cautious with her decisions.
When Reina grew up to the age of 18, she decided to enrol at the University of Novum Aurora on a history degree. While the prospect of life at the university and in the city excited her, she is secretly hoping to find her father, whom she had a vision of being in Novum Aurora… Alongside of her academic studies, Reina has teamed up with Fayth Svartalf to help in the superhero business at night.

Active: Localised time manipulation -  The ability to control the flow of time within a localised area or a specific target. It allows one to accelerate, reverse, slow, halt or even loop the temporal course of a situation or an individual. Such applications can mean that projectiles and objects can be frozen in time, wounds are restored back to the point before infliction, delay or hasten the pace of others, and even rapidly age organic and inorganic matter. Manipulation of time on a localised level can still be strenuous for the user, so the area and length of time manipulation is limited relatively to the concentration and energy of the user. Thus multiple control of time for different objects and people will require multiple levels of concentrated efforts to maintain the applications. Overexertion of this ability will require the user to rest and replenish their reserves before reattempting to use their powers.
Passive: Limited retrocognition and precognition -  Retrocognition allows one to perceive past events and situation as ghostly images. Due to the limitedness, the user can only perceive certain situations and significant objects within for a short length of time. The grasp on the retrocognitive psychic events are fairly fragile that they are disrupted easily and they disappear without being recalled back.
Precognition allows one to perceive future events and related individuals in quick bursts of spontaneous visions. This aspect of the power is usually triggered involuntarily by touching an object that is psychically connected to the future situation or individuals. If the psychic energy is strong enough, the user may receive a vision without the need of making physical contact with an individual or an item. The visions themselves are brief, allowing the user a quick glimpse of the future for a second or two before return the user back to the present.

Character Specific Weaknesses; See above for personality weaknesses. Also, Reina requires full concentration to alter the passage of time for the local area or individuals, thus she is vulnerable to attacks that she isn't focused on. She tends to overexert herself often when using her powers, leaving her drained soon after a battle.

Team Position: Member.

Colour: Honey-yellow [RGB 191, 144, 0].

Viktor David Zaboletta-Smyth.

Alias: "Replica"

Age: 22

Gender: Male (Can however shapeshift into female's or male's he has killed and assimilated)

Species: Previously human, now simply an amalgamation of many entities combined into one host body

Sexuality: Bisexual due to the fact he has assimilated so many minds that he can no longer distinguish his own personal tastes from the ones he has gotten from others.

Appearance and Attributes: Standing at around 5 foot 10 inches, wearing ragged but well fitting dark grey jeans, torn and shredded at the very ends. A comfy pair of shoes, dark in colour but a light turquoise strip running down the sides of each.  Wearing a grey hoody with a dirty brown leather jacket over the top.  Blood splatter is common on all of these items of clothes, rarely having time to wash them between one misdeed to another.  A rough steel chain is constantly running around the back and the palm of his hand, a mark is left on both sides he has held it in a tight grip for years, from the chain dangles a few prayer beads at the end's, now worn and faded or covered in blood spatter.  His hands are cut and rough, often scar's and marks or even bleeding sores can be seen.  His skin tone is light brown from tanning in the warm weather but his skin is truly a white shade of pink. He has dark lines around his eyes from lack of sleep, badly chapped lips and dirt marks smeared from place to place.  His eye's are dark, jet black pupils with a red iris.  If you look closely you can see red isn't the natural colour of his eye's it is actual just a constant stream of blood running through them that make the red iris'. His eye's are overshadowed by bushy eye brows that are black and wavy, upon removing his hoody you will find that his hair is completely grey from the dramatic shifts in his body, ageing the hair on his head rapidly making him grey but with a full head of short, straight hair.

Viktor's personality is somewhat split, his mind is shared with all those that he has killed and assimilated over the years making it somewhat hard to distinguish at times which thoughts are his own and what thoughts are being spoken or remembered from a past victim. In this respect it makes it hard to give an accurate account of Viktor's true personality as it has now become lost along the years. When he was a child he cared and he loved, he would laugh and sing but as his powers came to fruition, it seemed that his own abilities began to control him and soon his personality was drained away with the use and abuse of his newfound armaments and skills. Viktor lacked any true source of love in his life with his mother dead and his father constantly lost in his own sorrow and self pity. To this end, he was only really ever versed in the feelings of fear, anger, hatred and sorrow.

These tolls on an already stretched and troubled mind lead it to become very easy for Viktor to slowly allow his feelings to be hidden and for the minds of his victims to become his very thoughts, now as he stands about a hundred voices all call and cry to him, urging him in every direction. It is a miracle he still stands with so many things flying through his mind all the time but because of this, his actions are very rarely driven by his own feelings of desire or need but rather the victims within him almost use their host for their own dark twisted visions.

It is possible that perhaps many of the murders or assimilations he has done have been at the hand's of his mind's more twisted and resentful souls that he made part of his mind by assimilating them in the first place. Viktor has even shown signs of the belief that he is not the guilty one for the murder's he commits but often claiming it was the "voices in my head told me to do it". Often a line said by insane murders and madmen but perhaps this time it might very well be true.

History: Born to a Russian father and an English mother, his father was a godless man who hated the world and its bitterness, disdain was all the man knew.  There was only one brief glimmer of light in this man's life and that was his wife, a young radiant woman, so full of life and free with one and all.  She was a god fearing woman and took great pity on the man she found lying in a ditch one day outside her home she made from her hard days labouring and saving.  It was a lush countryside home where the man had blindly stumbled past in one of his many misadventures.  Upon taking the man in the woman felt uncomfortable around him, he was a man with jagged edges and a face of stone but he was a gentleman and a great thinker.  The woman allowed this man to stay long during what was to be a harsh winter.
That is the beginning of what would be the story of Viktor, the boy destined to become evil to the core.  Viktor was boring at a time when a great frost sweep the land and it ravaged everything it touched, at Viktor's birth it would claim his mother and cost his father his sanity.  During childbirth complication's arose and there was nothing Viktor's father could do to save his mother, he watched as she died and from her he took his son.

Viktor David Zaboletta-Smyth he was named, each a name from his father and a name from his mother.  When Viktor was born, his powers first manifested themselves, as he left his mother's womb the baby cried fiercely and suddenly his body changed shifting and pulsing, accidentally slicing his mother internally causing her to bleed out.  He was cared for by his father who was broken from the lose of his mother, becoming more and more unstable but unaware of his son's "gifts."
Viktor's childhood was quiet for some years, nothing really happened out of the ordinary, a single father struggled to look after his child but he got by.  As Viktor grew older and wiser, he questioned his father on many things and learnt of the bitterness that dwelled within him, asking questions always seemed to infuriate his father, the more he asked the more his father got worse, turning to drink and soon to hitting his son to silence him.  Viktor was one day left alone in his home, his father left and never returned, Viktor simply never questioned it, or if he did he simply never dwelled on it for to long.  From the age of 7 he was forced to fend for himself.  Leaving his home he soon lived in the woods with the animals and the plants.  Here was were he begin to notice he had something special about him, something different.  One day in the woods, he ripped a dear in half as he pet it.
This was the first manifestation of his powers, his finger tips expanded into long claws, reaching far beyond his fingers, with razor sharp precision.  He began from that day to experiment, killing the animal hadn't remotely fazed him, in fact, it had simply made him all the more curious as to what he could do.

Soon he learnt he could hardened his fists and make them stronger than bone or steel, using them to crush tree's with a single swing of his fist's.  Eventually he learnt that with sheer will he could change his hand into many other things, his favourite was however the giant blade he could transform his whole hand into, it pierced through steel and more, it was the strongest of his new found weapons.  Despite having killed many creatures in the woods through his travel many animals did not fear him and he spent most of the next few years until his teenage years living with family's of wild deer or horses or even hiding in tree's with squirrels or hiding in burrows with rabbits and hares.
Living out a nomadic existence in the forest's that had once surrounded his family home, at his teenage years he began to feel a calling, almost a literal voice calling him some place, he didn't know who this voice belong to but the more it called the more he needed to follow it.  He left for a little town not far from where the forest he had lingered had been.  In this village he was instantly seen as a stranger, living in dirty rags, covered in mud and dirty.  Disdainful eyes watched him from every corner.  This was to be the first time his powers would get him into trouble.  While walking through the village some kids ran past and knocked him over accidentally.  In his anger he swiftly got up and quickly stuck his claws through the boy that had knocked him down just seconds ago, the girl he had been playing with screamed a shrill, long wail and as soon as the dead boy hit the floor there was already many more eye's that now stared over the scene.  The word freak was one of the only few he knew the meaning of as the villagers called him names he could only guess were not compliments.  He was chased from the village.
Knives, pitchforks and flaming torches flew at him as he fled, the villagers however could not catch up, as he ran he could feel the weight of his body feel more spaced out, the burden of his body felt lighter as he ran faster, he got excited and jumped, soon he lifted so high he was already on the other side of the field he had been standing in previously. Excited with the prospect of finding new things he could do he headed to the next village as the voice called to him once again pushing him on.

At the Village of Vanderscar, tucked away in rural Europe, it was here that Viktor learned he could use his powers one step further beyond simple destruction and death.  Here he learnt that it was not only changing shape but changing himself that he could do.  In Vanderscar he killed a man who started a fight with him for stealing some food, the man he killed lunged at him first and easily Viktor met him with claws out and striking quickly into his chin and through his mouth.  The man died quickly but a sudden forceful jerk came through Viktor as a mass of tendrils shot through his chest, an unpleasant tingle forcing its way to the surface until it grabbed the man and slowly dragged the organic matter into his body and slowly it consumed and assimilated it.
Memories, thoughts and feelings flooded his mind, it was almost head splitting.  Soon he knew who this man had been and everything he had done.  When he came from the rush of the man's memories he noticed that when he looked down, he stood there, not as himself but the man he killed.  He was exactly like him in every way, he talked like him, walked like him and had the very clothes the man he consumed had worn on him now.  He laughed and slowly made his way home to the man's house on the outskirts of the village. Here he stayed for a week in the disguise of the man he had consumed, until on the eve of his leaving, he killed the man's wife and assumed her appearance and left the village with no trace of her husband or her left, burning the house and heading onwards.  As he travelled he consumed many other people along the way, be they simply someone that got in the way, knew his secret, had saw him shapeshift or even simply someone he took a fancy to stealing the appearance of.  His list of victim's even extended as far as small time celebrities and famous people.

He seemed to develop and endless hunger for death and a want to see just how far he could stretch his mind and steal other identities.
Viktor was a hard man to keep track of, he ducked and dived and made out a small living from petty crimes and never staying in one place to long to avoid suspicion.  His mind was soon only constantly swirling with the thoughts of the other people he had consumed.  It was already to late when he started to learn of the repercussion of consuming so many people. His mind was stressed and soon he could no longer sleep, the thoughts of his victims raged in his head, their anger only fuelling his further.  It was when he was 19 that he finally learnt of just how bad the side effects of assimilating other humans can be.  He was in the middle of an open city street and he began to convulse, unable to breathe, it felt like something alive and made of liquid wished to be free from him, he ran as fast as he could into a dark side street as he cough, blood trickled from his lips as, terror gripped him for a moment as he felt life pass out of him and suddenly he threw up what seemed like blood, bone and flesh.  In a pile lay what he thought must have been one of his many victims, yet it seemed to wriggle and pulse.  Soon it seemed to draw together as he puked up more.
Now before him stood a shape of a human, naked but with no definition.  The flesh writhed and twisted against itself, the face a mask of horror and rage, one that even scarred Viktor somewhat.  In fear he believed it one of his many victims and quickly he vivi-sected it and disposed off it behind a bin that he found nearby.  He left in a hurry, he felt weak and out of place, this was new to him and something he feared more knowing he could not control it.  For three years he has hidden from the world, now though, something has changed and he resurfaces in Europe, his aims and goals we can only guess but you can bet that no matter where Viktor goes, there is sure to be death and destruction to be had in his place.

Active;  Bio-Mass transmutation:  The ability to change one's body into weapons (claws from the finger tips, hardened bone density for fists to be used as clubs or hammers, whole arm stretched and formed into a blade for slicing) and also to change the appearance of the user, physically taking on the form of anyone killed by the user and consumed by the organic tendrils that consume the body mass of its defeat victims.  Able to steal powers from superhero's if the superhero is defeat and assimilated, however using an unknown power is unpredictable and not as powerful as the true user. His powers also stretch to being able to jump and run at much greater speeds than normal humans can, using his ability to transmutate he can effectively breed 6 legs worth of force into his own for leap over up or over buildings, using the power of 6 legs to run faster for escape. Running at higher speeds allows him to jump higher from the added momentum also.
Passive; Bio-Organic shielding: Whenever an attack is directed at Viktor, his bodies immediate response is to put up a shield of spare organic matter (consisting of bones, blood and flesh) it will take the strength out of any attack but it also can be broken with enough damage and will instantly fall to flames. Electricity will not work on the shield as it has no consistency of nerves to pass on the pain signals to the user.
Character Specific Weaknesses; Mental and psychological attacks on the brain, weak emotional response due to having to many personalities within his own head all the time.

Team Position: Villain of Act 1

Colour:  Lime Green

Sunday 26 May 2013

Fayth Svartalf.

Alias: "le Faye"

Age: 24

Gender: Female.

Appearance and Attributes: Fayth stands at around the height of 6', with a slim build, a healthy glow to her complexity and fine endowed breasts. She has dark purple dyed hair with a slight wave to it that falls to her shoulder-blades and the tips of it are dyed a sapphire shade. She has vivid blue eyes, which are only lightly accompanied by faint shadows under her eyes that are evidence of a weary tiredness. Her left arm is tattooed with the images of multiple coloured butterflies that starts off at her wrist, imprinted around and up her arm, which gradually changes into the shapes of dark-coloured birds, then into a coiling serpent and ends with the form of an oriental dragon, which is resting on top of her tree tattoo. On her back, a tattoo of an ancient tree is imprinted on her back, starting with roots at the base of her spine and stemming up along her back before branching out across her shoulder blades, of which her dragon tattoo rests upon it. A tattoo of a dream-catcher is also imprinted on the inside of her right forearm. She has multiple piercings: three cartilage piercings on her right ear, two cartilage piercings on her left ear, left earbrow piercing, right nostril piercing, lower lip piercing, tongue piercing, and both nipple piercings. Her clothing consists of casual and simple items, occasionally wearing a comical or pattern print t-shirt, dark denim jeans and dark combat boots. Hoodies or a coat would be worn if the weather starts to get colder. She does not bother with the stereotypical superhero attire for she wishes to remain in the distance and within the shadows during the heat of a battle and conflict.

Fayth is emotionally and sociably outgoing, although she is a tad bit mentally unstable, which results in her impulsivity, hastiness to action without thinking her consequences and options over, and her quick-temperedness. She tries to maintain a distance away from people and avoid crowds due to her abilities, but she usually finds herself drawn to them without expecting to. Confidence and supportive of those she cares about, she is quick to bring down those who wish harm and malice upon her or her friends.Whilst she has a solid sense of morality, she may linger between the boundaries in order to do what is necessary for her and others. Her positive attitudes allow her not to be bogged down by the negative and oppressive aspects of life, usually to ignore the overwhelming sensations of emotional and psychic energies around her. She may be in a daze most of the time, and thus distracted and inattentive to minor details. Moments of guilt and shame of her past continue to haunt her if she is reminded of it, and she will prefer to be solitude for some time to repent over the actions of the event where her optimistic persona has broken down and shattered, leaving her an emotional wreck.

History: Fayth grew up happily with her loving family, where she only experienced minor disputes between her, her younger brother and her parents. When her younger brother came out to her, and eventually her parents, she was fully accepting and supportive of him, loving him no matter.

Unknown to Fayth, her psychic sensitivity had emerged, but it did not reach a level of intensity until one evening, when her younger brother was late to come home that night. He was covered in bruises and cuts and deeply upset by what had happened to him, and through her psychic senses, Fayth became aware of the emotional and physical pains that he was going through. After tending to his wounds, Fayth pushed to find out what had happened. It turned out that he had suffered at the hands of a bully at his school, which had taken an extreme homophobic attitude towards him. After years of harassment and provocation, her younger brother retaliated back, only to be ganged up upon and beatened by the bully and his friends.

Frustrated and furious by the silent years of her younger brother’s suffering, Fayth set out to confront the bully and put an end to her younger brother’s torment. When she found him, Fayth squared up against the bully, who was not intimidated by her. In fact, he invited and openingly mocked her and her younger brother for his cowardice. Enraged, Fayth and the bully ended up brawling, and during the heat of the battle, Fayth gazed upon the bully’s eyes. Without much thought of her actions and consequences, she wished upon her bully the same torture that her younger brother had suffered, fused with the anger and wrath that she felt for this pathetic being. In that moment, her telepathic powers emerged and she passed out.

When she woke up, she noticed the difference in her sensitivity of emotions and thoughts. She was acutely aware of the sensations flooring her consciousness, threatening to subdue her back into unconsciousness once more. However, her younger brother was by her side, and she remained awake to find out what had happened. According to him, the fight had ended when she and the bully passed out together. Emergency services were called and they ended up at the hospital. While her brother was relieved that she had awoken, Fayth discovered that his bully had not been so fortunate.

He was in a coma, and would remain in that condition for an unknown amount of time.

Confused by this and her new-found powers, once she was released from hospital, Fayth moved out and distanced herself from her family and friends, although she occasionally keeps in contact with them. She moved to Novum Aurora where she hopes to avoid and repair the damages that her powers had caused, by taking a job as a library assistant during the day, and helping out with Reina Chauhan in the fight against crime and villainy during the night.

Active; Telepathy – The psychic ability to perceive the thoughts of others and mentally communicate with them. It also allows one to delve deeply into the mind of another to access and alter their cognition and inner mental processes. Although, when the minds of others are altered, the same, although weakened, altering intentions are reflected back onto the psyche of the telepath.
Passive; Psychic sensitivity – This allows one to sense delicate energies and strong emotions with such clarify that enables them to be empathic of others and receive “fresh” psychic residue off objects and corpses. A major drawback is that emotions and energies of great intensity can cause discomfort, stun or even render the psychic sensitive unconscious due to psychic overload. An active psychic power can enable one to control the degree of their psychic sensitivity, although not to entirely shut it off.
Character Specific Weaknesses; See above for personality and power limitations. When Fayth deeply gazes upon another, she must be fully focused whilst accessing and altering on only one mind at a time. Thus, she is vulnerable to attacks while concentrating on another's mind. Her senses also become raw, and as such, bright lights and loud noises can disrupt this concentration, overload her delicate senses and cause her physical discomfort or pain. Running water will disrupt her psychic senses, so she cannot perceive the thoughts of others or psychic energies if she is submerged underwater or out in a heavy rainfall.

Team Position: Member.

Colour: Dark Purple [RGB 53, 28, 117].

Friday 24 May 2013

Aleksander Vestergaard (Alex).

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual (by choice)

Appearance: Undercut curly black hair that falls into his eyes(dyed, originally ginger), green eyes and freckles. 3 cartilage piercings in right ear (two rings at the top, one stud underneath), two barbell piercings in left eye brow and snakebite studs. Body is toned, but not overly so, lanky in comparison to his height (6'2").

Personality: Alex has a hard time with trusting people, so instead he puts on an arrogant and snarky mask to hide his true personality. Has a high-temper, which doesn't at all go well with how easily agitated he is.

History: Born in Roskilde, Denmark, and raised by an abusive and alcoholic single father (mother died at his birth, and his father blames him for that) in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. Father died when he was 16, where he moved into student housing for the technical college. He's been aware of his passive power since before he can remember, but his active power he only just started to notice around that time. Since learning to control his power, he has graduated from the technical college with a diploma in IT. Works officially as a freelance graphic designer and IT support technician, but does cash-under-the-table jobs for an unnamed company who pays him to use his abilities.

Active; Perception Manipulation. Can warp the sight of any living target (who he can see himself) to make them see (or, not see) what he wants. Concentrated effort leads to the target's perception still being warped for several seconds after he's gone.

Passive; Empathy. Ability to read/sense others emotions and affect them with his own. A highly unstable power that occurse when experiencing intense emotions.

Character Specific Weakness; Easily agitated and provoked. Though it is most likely that the provocation was started by one of his own actions, he will probably be the first to lash out.

Team Position: Freelancer.

Colour: Light Grey [RGB 153, 153, 153]

Monday 20 May 2013

Neil Sylvain.

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Who knows?

Appearance and Attributes: He's of average height, slim, with short blond hair and blue eyes. He has a pale complexion, prone to sunburns. He usually wears button-up shirts and jeans. He also requires glasses for his faulty sight. He has a calm demeanour. He's actually pretty shy and chews on his words. Not the best around ladies. His unfortunate social skills make him sarcastic and self-loathing.

History: He studied engineering and went on a trip with a scientist that ended up having certain consequences for him. He got his powers then. After that, he returned and stayed in the City, though he avoids human contact, due to problems caused by his powers.

Active; Electricity manipulation, can be used to either power a device, or electrocute people. Mostly electrocuting. The other wasn't attempted and I doubt that it would work. So, just zapping people.

Passive; Electricity attraction, his power works by pulling power off a source. It's always on. Honestly. It causes some bad static upon contact.

Character Specific Weaknesses; Unstable physical substance, his molecular structure can be broken and attracted into the closest electrical source. That also forces him to abandon all of his clothing. May be difficult to reassemble. This additionally renders him immune to the restorative effects of healing abilities.

Team Position: Member

Colour: Bronze [RGB 120, 63, 4]

Character Template.

Name: First, second and last names.

Alias: Your alternative name used to conceal your character's true name.

Age: Lifespanned so far.

Gender: Male/Female/Unsure/Unknown.

Sexuality: Optional, of course.

Appearance and Attributes: How you character looks and feels to others around them. Clothes, demeanour and other helpful tips on your character.

History: Your Characters past and near present, perhaps even how they got their powers if you care to explain it for the rest of us.

Powers: Explain your characters powers in two distinct types
Active; The powers you can turn on and off at will, what makes you the superhero you are.

Passive; Powers that you cannot turn off, active within your character's body or around them.

Character Specific Weaknesses; Whats your personnal Kryptonite?

Team Position: Positions are Leader, Second in Command, Member, Freelancer or Part-Timer. No fighting over the leader, group vote only!

Colour: The colour you assigned to use for your own character in the roleplay for speech, thoughts and other stuff. State what colour and which code it is and make sure that it isn't the same as anyone else's colour.