Saturday 21 February 2015

Argi Oyarzun

Alias: (Formally) Agent Oyarzun, (new to possibly come later)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance and Attributes: A handsome and tall man, Argi is 6’2”, with dark brown hair that is medium length, golden coloured skin and a square jaw. His eyes are usually grey in colour, but they change according to the person he has used his ability upon. Contrary to his appealing features, he has an appearance that portrays his recent lifestyle. His face displays a number of small scars, his beard and hair are unclean and untidy; his deep, sunken eyes are accompanied by blood-shot veins; there is an ever permeating vile stench surrounding him; and his once muscular lean body is concealed by the multiple layers of filthy, mismatched, second-hand clothing that he has acquired overtime.

Argi is aggressive, critical and cynical towards people and he can become quite blunt and direct with them if they are irritating him, which is usually often due to his constant state of fatigue. He is driven towards his goals and will easily disregard people that aren’t helping or useful to him. Hardened by his recent year on the streets, he relies upon his instincts and will do what he must to survive. Thus, he is unrestrained and unconcerned about right and wrong in his actions, particularly in relation to his goals. He is adaptable to his environment and he tends to use what he has and what is around him to his advantage. Despite this, his earlier persona was playful, sarcastic and tough but he was also compassionate with others, and he cared very deeply for people that he trusts. Glimpses of this tend to reveal itself infrequently when he used to visit his friend in hospital, but there is a slight chance that he could open up to others in due time.

History: From birth till around the age of ten, Argi lived happily with his mother as they traveled the world as a result of her profession. His mother was, in fact, the “supervillain” Temptress, who was notorious for using her power of life force absorption to sneak into businesses and corporations and remove corrupt CEOs and leaders. Despite her acts, Temptress was a loving mother who cared very much for Argi and they bonded well as mother-and-son. As he grew up, Temptress started to bring Argi along with her on missions that he often enjoyed, and to teach him about the injustice of the world and to keep a critical view in mind.

On his tenth birthday, Argi had been sent by his mother to pick up treats for his birthday. Upon his return, he found that their temporary home had been raided by government authorities and his mother was dead. He tried to see his mother’s body, but he was never to see her again as he was quickly detained and taken away by the government authorities. He was later transferred to a research facility where he was observed for any powers that they anticipated he would develop, since he was the son of the infamous Temptress.

After several months of observations and tests, Argi yielded no results, so he was soon reintegrated back into society and quickly adopted by a Christian family. There were friction between Argi and his adoptive family as he found it difficult to adjust from his mother’s upbringing of being critical to their strict ways. Even before puberty, Argi always managed to innocently get himself into trouble without realising it. By his early adolescent years, he started becoming rebellious and challenging the status quo of his adoptive family.

Argi befriended Eli, a guy from his school, and they quickly became best friends in a short time. Like any other rebellious teenager, they hung out in a field with a group of friends and drunk too much alcohol together one night. In his drunken state, Eli ended up kissing Argi, which caused the latter to develop his ability. Argi became aware of Eli’s hidden power of terrakinesis as he replicated and accidentally used it, which terrified their group of friends. Unfortunately for Argi, the community where he lived was very conservative like his adoptive family, and it was particularly discriminatory towards people with powers. He had heard stories of what happened to people with powers, and he had once witnessed a public execution of someone with a power.

Argi and Eli were seized by their group of friends and taken to be detained while their fate was decided by the people of the town. It was ultimately decided that Argi and Eli were considered evil and sinned, which would result putting them to death. On the day of their public execution, government authorities arrived to intervene in affairs, but they were unwelcomed and a riot broke out between the government authorities and the people of the town. Argi and Eli were found and freed, along with other captives who had be detained because of their powers, and evacuated from the town before the community could cause them harm.

They were taken to Novum Aurora, a new city in Europe, where they recovered from their incarceration. Soon after, they were visited by Novum Aurora’s Head of Secret Operations Department to discuss plans of training Argi and the people with powers to become an elite task force to bring down people who misused their powers or misused others with powers. The others quickly agreed, but Argi was skeptical of this as he had been taught by his mother, but he reluctantly agreed. For the next few years, they trained and worked together as an efficient team. During this time, Argi and Eli had time to reflect upon that drunken night, particularly around the kiss, to which Eli confessed his attraction for Argi. Taken back by this, Argi accepted his friend’s feelings and reassured that he will always be there for Eli. As time went on, they grew closer together during their training and a romantic relationship eventually formed between the two friends.

When they embarked on their first mission as a newly trained task force, they were almost killed as Argi discovered his true ability of tactile power replication as opposed to the initial terrakinetic power he possessed. But they adapted to this change and succeeded in their first mission, with many more successes and hardships to come from later missions. Argi quickly adjusted to his newly realised ability, and it became an important advantage in some of their missions.

Several more years passed by and the task force was successful in bringing down criminals and villains with powers. Things were going good between Argi and Eli, but they had begun to fight with each other later in their relationship. A terrible argument one night split the two up, which had an impact upon the task force and its performance. Thankfully though, their recent missions had been relatively easy and without much threat to them or the public. Argi noticed this and started to question their directives, but it was dismissed as the intelligence that the Secret Operations Department were receiving was reliable enough to prevent risks and neutralise the threats. Upon hearing this, Argi dismissed it as well, but his suspicions continued to quietly linger at the back of his mind.

Argi also started to date Francesca, another agent of the task force, but their relationship was a simple, playful one rather than the deep and serious one that Argi had with Eli. This quickly ended as Francesca was discovered to be betraying the Secret Operations by hiding people with powers who were likely to be an alleged threat. She was seized and taken away, which shocked Argi and the other agents of the task force. On their way to a mission, they started to discuss what happened and found that the information they had between them didn’t make sense. Remembering his earlier suspicions, Argi shared what he thought about their recent directives and missions, to which most of them sombrely agreed with him.

They arrived at the destination of their mission, which was a newly built factory that was mostly empty save for a single figure tied up and suspended in the air. The task force investigated this and were stunned to find that it was Francesca, who had been beaten badly and left unconscious. As they released her, the factory erupted to life as their former adversaries, the ones the task force had been assigned to bring down over the years, rushed towards them in a lustful and savage manner for their blood. The task force tried to fight them off, but they were easily outnumbered and almost overwhelmed. With the replicated power of aerokinesis, Argi escaped to outside of the factory with Eli and Francesca. As he prepared himself to go back in and retrieve the rest of his team, hidden explosives were detonated that destroyed the factory and killed everyone inside it.

Before he had time to process the reality of it all, gunshots were fired by Secret Operations field agents in his direction. Argi managed to take flight with his friends and flew them away in time, but not before receiving injuries from the Secret Operations agents. He flew to a nearby town and took them to the closest hospital to see to their wounds. The beatings that Francesca received were enough to leave her indefinitely comatose. Argi suffered from a gunshot wound to his back and a few cuts and bruises from the factory battle. But Eli was the worst out of them with serious injuries from the factory battle and the gunshots, and he later died, which devastated Argi. With most of his friends dead by the hands of a government that betrayed them, Argi vowed to untangle the treachery and uncover those responsible by any means possible. Laying low out on the streets of Novum Aurora as a fugitive, he has spent the last year digging information and chasing up leads while trying to avoid the attention of the Secret Operations Department. But his former superiors have begun to take notice of his activities, and with the recent disappearance of Francesca, Argi must find his friend before his enemies catch up to him. 

Powers: Tactile Power Replication – The ability to mimic any active or passive power of another and control it under their own will. This is achieved through skin-to-skin contact with the person and concentrating upon which power they wish to replicate. A unique by-product of this ability is the additional replication of all the memories associated to the mimicked power. These memories can be used to help the user obtain control over their mimicked power with greater ease without the need for practice.

Previous replicated powers:

Current replicated power: 

Character Specific Weaknesses: Argi can only replicate one power (and the memories connected to that power) at a time, thus replacing an old power with a new one. Once a power is mimicked, Argi is able to retain it for as long as he desires, and he can replicate it again if he has previously discarded it for another power, though he will still need to make physical contact in order to replicate that particular power again. Argi’s control of replicated powers is parallel to the control of the original user due to their experiences and memories of using their power, but he can independently train himself to use a replicated power and create his own experiences and memories. His control over his own replication ability can sometimes be imperfect, so he may accidentally replicate another’s power if he is touching them in a stressful situation. As Argi replicates a power in its entirety, he additionally mimics the weaknesses linked to that particular power.

The replicated memories associated with the power are ones up to the point of replication. Therefore, any new memories after the point of replication are inaccessible to Argi, unless he uses his ability again on the same person he replicated the power from. Similarly, Argi loses the replicated memories associated with the old power when he replicates from another person, whether it is a similar or different power. However, he does retain his own experiences and memories of using previous replicated powers. If a person possesses a psychic shield power, then Argi is prevent from mimicking their memories even though he can still replicate their power.

Argi can become easily angered, which can distract him and make him lose focus, especially when he is taunted. His anger will make him unpredictable to a degree, but it is easy to work out and potentially manipulate his focus towards something else. His rage will also divert his attention away from any injuries he sustains during a battle, and eventually he will succumb to his bodily damages. Additionally, his body and mind are scarred from the day most of his friends died, thus his movements are rigid and stiff from the gunshot wound to his back that hasn’t properly healed and he occasionally has flashbacks triggered by firing guns and detonating explosions.

Colour: Bronze [RGB 127, 96, 0]

Team Position: Freelancer.