Wednesday 11 March 2015

Rudraya Loganadan

Alias: Drift

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance and Attributes: Medium height, heavily muscled but not overly so. Long hair down to the middle of his back. Dark brown skin with a scar across his right cheek running down over his chin. Very dark brown almost black eyes. He is very wary of other people and does not talk much (initially). He ususally wears a ¾ length black coat, black jeans and black or brown boots. Rudraya is generally a loner and if he is with a group of people he tends to try and blend into the background. He has been trained in martial arts from a very young age and this is his only interest outside his work as a librarian.

It is when he is put under pressure that he is able to make difficult and decisive decisions that others would not be able to make and while appearing calm he has is a very angry individual. The greatest weakness of his personality is the ability not to let go, he keeps himself on a tight reign spiritually and physically.

History: Rudraya had a simple childhood, living in south Indian coastal town with his parents. His father owned a small shop which garnered them a modest living and his mother was a teacher at a primary school. His parents worked hard to send him to school, and give him a good education. Rudraya was a precocious child and learned extremely quickly. Being the rowdy child that he was he would often get into fights with any bully that picked on him (not always winning). It was during one of these unfortunate incidents that life chose to send him on his chosen path. He was confronted by a bully and his gang and being the person he was Rudraya did not turn and run instead he fought them and was nearly beaten to a pulp for his troubles. It was only when an old man stepped in to assist him that Rudraya saw true martial arts. The man chased away his assailants with ease despite his advanced years with martial arts Rudraya had never seen before. After this he was hooked and the old man agreed to teach him. Little did Rudraya know but the man had seen the fierce spirit that he possessed combined with his innate talent and had chosen to help him on his path. This continued on for 7 years, with his parents oblivious to his skills. At this point his teacher told him that he had nothing left to teach him and informed him that he would be leaving this earth soon. Little did Rudraya know but his teacher was a very wise man and could see his tough path ahead of him and told him “I have taught you all I know. Even when I leave I will always be with you because my knowledge lives on in you, pass it on.” At the same time of his teachers passing both his parents lost their jobs. With no option but to be thrown out onto the street, they realised that the best chance would be to travel to Novum Aurora. The smuggled themselves onto a ship and made for Europe in the dead of night. A few weeks later the radiation burst struck the Earth and Rudraya would acquired his powers. However during the next few days of the journey at sea his parents fell ill with only Rudraya surviving, oblivious to the knowledge that his powers had saved him. When the ship birthed in Novum Aurora he pulled his parents bodies onto the shore and with a heavy heart knowing they were gone burned them. He scattered all but a small amount of their ashes into the sea, hoping they would make their way back to their soil. He kept a small amount, vowing to take it back to their home personally. Without a backward look he made his way into the Novum Aurora slums where he slept rough, begged and pleaded fought for months until he found a job in a shop to support himself. He clawed his way through the dregs of society. Eventually he was able to support himself with a small job in a library where he works to this day.

Active; Energy Transmutation the ability to take in the energy from his surroundings and use it as he sees fit. Although his control is growing all the time. Rudraya has the ability to take this energy and give himself super strength/speed/rejuvenation/harden his skin muscles and bones etc. He has coupled this with his martial skill and can remain in a meditative state during this time. The amount of energy he can take in and time he can use it for is growing. However, he can only use the energy in one form at a time at the moment.

Passive; The ability to feel the intent of others and read their energy. This power is due to Rudrayas martial skills and is not related to the radiation strike upon the earth. This ability extends out in a sphere around him and unknown to Rudraya it is growing slowly.

Character Specific Weaknesses; Rudraya is constantly paranoid as he is being invaded by the intent of others and he is training his mind to block out the unwanted signals.

Team Position: Hero (reluctant)

Blue [RGB 11, 83, 148]